Saturday, January 24, 2009

classes are getting harder! we had quizzes today, but thankfully our memory verse was a church song i memorized a long time ago. galatians 2:20-21. i have been crucified with Christ nevertheless i live, its not i, but Christ who liveth in me, and the life which i now live by flesh, i live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave his life for me. ... and then verse 21. i think today was the first day that i didn't nod off in class. our classes are an hour and a half long. we are all crammed into one room, and there is no air conditioner or air circulation. therefore i fall asleep. .. greek class is my favorite class of all time, hands down. our teacher, Vicki, speaks english and is always cracking the class up with jokes and such. today we talked about dipthongs, mainly ones that begin with eu, which makes an f sound. good and easy. we ahd a quiz in this class as well, the first ten letters of the greek alphabet.

after classes and lunch i went to hike the mountain again with hunter, richard, justin and danielle. as we climbed the streets, we took a detour and wanted to head for the rocks. This meant we were to walk through someones yard. Easy enouhg until their dogs went crazy and gave away our position! but no worries, nothing out of the ordinary happened and we were on our way. we decided we were up for rock climbing, not hiking. that was the plan, and boy did we get what we asked for. we had an abundant amount of cliffs, lacking ropes, harnesses or any type of equipment. i think that it was the scariest moment of my life, hanging from a cliff about 30 feet in the air, and trusting the strength of my arms with no great holds. it was all mind over matter and then the ability to make yourself go through with it. hunter was motivating me all the way. he was gonna sacrifice his shoulder to catch my fall if i indeed did fall. i need to go back and take pictures doing this. rock climbing i think is my new passion. after we owned the first major climb, we came to a new one with less holds and straight up. danielle, hunter and i were like heck no! but hunter and richard went in for the tackle. i thoguht they were kidding, but... about forty minutes later or so they climbed over the ledge and reached the top. meanwhile, danielle, hunter and i were having a little chit chat at the top. it was great fun... many interesting topics arose. the thorns, relationships, and the such. hahaha....

danielle and i gave up waiting for the boys becasue we heard a scream up that mountain that could only have belonged to our dearly loved molly mccoy. we reached the top of the first moutnain and saw them so we headed over on over. they were on their way down so we decided to descend the mountain as a group. it was now molly, danielle, tillie, liz and i. on our way down we ran back into the boys, who were halfway up a new rock formation that looked pretty dangerous. we snapped a few photos and decided to meet them back at the artemis.

coming down a mountain has always been tricky for me. i have this tendency, i like to blame on gravity, to fall all the time. it just happens. and it doesn't feel so great when you are trying to decide in a matter of seconds if you should hold on to some thorns, fall on your booty, or just see where the fall takes you. what to sacrifice. speaking of sacrifices, the idea of jesus and a crown full of thorns came up as we walked down. it hurts when i brush up against them, barely touch them, and it really hurts when you have to walk through them. Jesus, on the other hand, had no such luck. he was forced to wear a crown of thorns, and im sure they didn't just slightly set it on his head. It must have been more gruesome than that. Beign in Greece has made my relationship with God see new levels.

After we found our way back down to the streets of porto rafti, we headed back for the hotel, just in time for dinner. i took a quick shower and then went to join the dinner table. justin and i went next door to get dinner at goodys, which consisted of fries and a soda. it was delicious! and surprisingly we filled up! there we so many fries! and then....GREEK DANCING!

there was a lady who came in to give the greek culture class lessons on greek dancing, but eveyrone was allowed to participate. i decided to check it out, as everyone did, and joined the circle. justin and i decided that if one of us stayed then the other had to too. soo we stood next to each other in line and checked out the grecian dancing. it didnt seem to bad so we stayed. i was between hunter and justin. we had to hold hands and do a step that had 7 beats to the right and then we did a little left then back right. the steps continually got harder. at one point we did one where we put out hands up and went forward and back, rocking like a boat in a hugh circle and hunter kept throwing me in the air like you do to a little kid. he got justin in on it and my feet lost site of the ground. it was great watching everyone else dance... a few people we couldn't help but laugh at. im sure people were laughing just as hard at us because we were making fools of ourselves. it was great fun though. i liked the one where you had to sit down and then kick back up. hunter kept saying HOP, ha. i guess you kinda had to be ther eto understand all the little jokes and stuff. after the cirlce dancing we had to partner dance. justin and i were partners and you had to do this elbow thing and make a window and then hop in a little circle. and then you have to let go and the girl puts her hands behind her and hops while the boy puts his hands on his hips and does the same hop step. this resembles a story of how two lovers want to be together but are not allowed, so when they dance by themselves they are like look i did not do anything, i am innocent. but then they dance togehter, which gives the story like romeo and juliet ish. the dance was called sousa! or somthing like that.

after greek dancing the teacher put music on and we just danced in a big circle. someone would go in the middle and do a move and everyone would join in and people just took thier turns. it was a lot of fun. i think the jewells disapproved because it was cut off pretty quickly and interupted with ice cream.

as we were eating our ice cream, somewhere out of the blue, pomegranites showed up. i love pommies!! hunter, stephanie., justin and i were trying to eat it and decided to go hide with our pomegranites to eat them. we ended up being chased by some of our friends and locked ourselves in the classroom so they coudlnt' get us. and then we devoured the pomegranites. it made such a mess but was completely worht it.

the night kind of calmed down after this. i went outside to play some soccer with cabot and seth, becasue i bought an awesome soccer ball in athens the previous day. that was fun and then i came up to the computer lab to blog and talked to a few freinds online. :) another successful fun day in greece! i love it here! sometimes it makes me not want to live in america. but i love it there too... i could be happy anywhere!

1 comment:

  1. We love you Mae. Keep up the blogging as much as time allows. We so enjoy hearing about your travels. Though sometimes as parents, we worry about you being in Greece, we give you to the Lord to care for. Make good choices, be safe and have fun. Mom and Dad
