Sunday, March 1, 2009

billy bobs bootcamp and apparel

typical morning yet again. the routine has begun to set in just in time for our departure to the peloponnese. WE LEAVE TOMORROW! which means i have a lot of catching up to do on my blog. i still have not blogged about israel or egypt.. but to begin i will start with saturday. classes commenced and lunch was to be set up. and we had potatoes. :) yum. i love me some good potatoes, mashed of course. i indulged in probably too much food, and then got to look forward to cleaning it up. i finished eating early enough to have some free time before lunch crew cleanup and emily helped me practice the piano again. aladdin's a whole new world. i can play double handed the first few lines, but its a little off beat, because im still slow. kinda like "I can show you ........................ theworld. . . . .............. ... . . . Shiiiiiiiiiiiinng shimmering splendor. . . . . . tell me .. .. princess.. now when...... did... you last.... let . . . .your . . . . heart . ... ... decide... " you get the picture. but its really great fun. then i went up to get my paycheck for the last two weeks! i love pay day! :) this was my first paycheck with breakfast and lunch crew so it was better than any of the others. :) annnd roman and i decided to talk to the B about getting the artemis a soccer ball, and were very successful in our persuasion. so i headed to start cleaning up lunch and roman went to get a ball before the stores closed. in porto rafti, most all stores close from 3 - 5 in the afternoon. lunch was kinda messy today, and there were lots of pots and pans. its difficult because i clean them by hand, and there is no such thing as spray on pan grease. that easy clena up stuff so it doesn't stick. ohhhh no. you wish!! if i would have known i would have brought some with me specifically for her to use. lol... but i get some good strong arm muscles scrubbin. well, i was almost through with my chores when roman comes bursting in and is like "fofi will be here in five minutes to pick us up. will you be ready?" i was like ummmm really? well i still haven't finished!! bahhh... so i started going as fast as i could while maintaining a precise cleaning job. of course i didn't finish, and neither did calle, but the other girls were like just go we got ya! soo we ran upstairs and changed as fast as possible and then headed to fofi's car out front. demetri was with her, her six year old son, and he was rapping,. haha... hes such a cutie. he is always dancing and singing. the next "step up" doesn't need to look any further. i foudn their next dancer. and what a perfect setting... greece. well anyway we drove to the fields as fofi gave the tour again for the newcomers who hadnt been down the port this far. calle, roman and i from the day prioor, and then hunter and eric. as we drove past the field no one was on it, wonderful!! so we drove and made the circle that portrayed all the other courts and the mud bath. when we got back fofi dropped us off and we walked to the fields. as we were jumping up tthrough the broken gate a team, yes a fully clothed with JERSEYS team walks onto the field. . . . my spirits fell. really? lol... so roman went to go try and figure out what was going on. they didnt' speak much english but it was a friendly game, which we realized later as another team walked out to fill the full court. sooo we made our way out of the field and contemplated what to do. we had two kites with us and it was rediculously windy sooo we got them out and put the tents together. they lifted right into the open sky without a problem and we were unaware of the fun that was about to occur. they were trick kites. soon the sky was carrying two kites, one orange and one blue. hunter and calle kicked it off and got them going. the wind was at its prime and it was a perfect day, minus the chill rolling off the top of the open waters. we were flying kites on the beach. it reminds me of a beach off the homer spit, very rocky. and not warm. ha... anyway we flew kites for over an hour, each taking turns. sometimes you could hear the sound of material cutting through bursts of air as it whipped towards the ground and suddenly shot back up. there were also a few mishaps. and maybe... a few pieces of broken plastic. the kites collided.... with each other, and more frequently with the ground. but who knew what a thrill it was to fly kites!! we ended up having to put one away because the teflon strap broke, and we didn't have any extra string with us to fix it. sooo a few of us went over to watch the soccer game. we got up on the cement blocks surrounding the gated field. it seemed like they were high schoolers with just a scrimmage to another school. but they weren't bad, they were pretty legit. we watched for quite a while and then we saw someone in the distance.... Mark?! of yes... and of course it was confirmed when we saw copper run straight at us, tail wagging at an american prize of five more students. well, some of us call him copper, some call him buddy, and htere was a third name. we got into a disagreement about this and then mark made it to the group. we were all surprised, because he had headed at us from the opposite direction of our residence. and its a 55 minute walk back to the hotel. he had just gone out for the day and had climbed the mountain that was to our right. the base wasn't too far off in the distance, but it was a good hike thats for sure. so mark joiined us. this made me remember, wheres richard? he was going to run to the fields and meet us there to play some soccer, and it had been like an hour and a half since we had left. hmm... how sucky would that be if he ran all the way here and saw the game and then ran back. we were on the beach side of the courts, and not the road side. well either way there was nothing we could do. we started playing some soccer on the rocky path, just juggling and the such. some people were still flying kites. and ther was this pole that some of us attempted to walk across. and then the game ended! :) yay! soooo we took that field and made it our own. the beautiful turf beneath my feet felt wonderful. i wish i would have brought some real soccer shoes to greece, if i had known we had the luxury of turf. and then richars showed up!! he had left later than we thought and it only took him 45 minutes to run to the end of the poitn and then back around the port all the way to the fields. so he joined us and our numbers were up to 7. we spent a good time on the fields just messing around, shooting, crossing, playin some one v one. and then crossbar. i hit the crossbar on like hte fourth shot and got to shoot at the line of 6 butts on the goal. but i missed. lol. we had two soccer balls, cause we had borrowed blakes, and then the one that mr b had gotten for us. mine has disappeared. i leave it in the common room because everyone uses it and somehow it has disappeared. sadly... :( i loved my olympiakos ball. and it was a pretty penny. so we will see if it turns up. if not i might have to go buy a new one. well we kept playing and then started out walk back to the artemis. it was very chilly by now, and we were getting hungry. the clock was drawing near to 6. we walked along the beach and hit a point where not all of us could cross... hah. funny story. and then we saw this place that was open, called, well it was in greek but how it sounds is thothena. calle and i wanted to stop and richard stopped with us. we got some caramel hot chocolate like drink, and ohhh was it amazing! and warm. it was great to have for our chilly walk back. soo it was just the three of us then. we talked all along the way, and eventually made it back to the artemis. it was getting later and there was no dinner tonight. well, leftovers, but there wasn't much left by the time we got back. dinner was long past. soo we went scrounging aroudn for the breakfast stuff, and got some honey nut cherios. :) they were delish! roman wanted to do billy.. i forget what the second name is, so i always call it billy bobs bootcamp. hah...its such an older workout movie, and like, they dress rediculous! sooo we decided to do that too. calle and i wore long spandex pulled up way too high, with shirts tucked in. and i wore a ponytail like my dad used to do for me when i was younger. flat on top of my head, but pushed off to one side. and then calle and i put a massive amount of bright blush on, and we were ready to go, shirts tied around our waist. we met roman in the comp lab, with shorts pulled up too high for comfort with a tucked in white v neck. his long hair was pushed up with a headband on, not in the proper position. we went searchign for richard, who was downstairs watching an extra credit movie. he came to join us and pulled the shorts up and did a funky thing with his shirt. and we took mass amounts of pictures. ha... group and individuals. and then we began our joke of a workout. ohhh but it was no joke. it lasted for about an hour and was super hard! i could not do all of some of the workouts, like the pushups. and then, we didnt' have the bungee cord things for some tae bo stuff, so we did it without, and we ALL STILL FELT THE WORKOUT! imagine if we had the cords! ha... for real. it was intense. and we had been making fun of it, but we got a great workout all the same. and had a memorable time all the while, with our outdated style and willingness to embarass ourselves, prancing around while working out. nine o clock had already rolled around, and tea time had begun. the movie was STILL going! and we had planned on watching harry potter around 930 as a large group. so calle, roman and eric and i went to the computer lab. eric helped me transfer pictures to cd's, becasue i had filled some memory cards and my computer is running out of space. he went down when harry potter started and the rest of us remained, and mark joined us, as well as hunter. some great stories were told. and then calle and i went to go watch harry potter. we made it just in time for the first activity in the triwizard tournament. and we got wonderful seats, right in the front, two comfy chairs. hunger hit again so we went searchin through the back room. and there was the cereal that we had ran out of!! so i took one and put it in my sweatshirt and then we went to go get our favorite breakfast yogurt and mixed it with honey. we were about done and were gonna head back to the movie but our director wlaked around the corner so we sprinted into the kitchen unseen and went the back way. fortunately the elevator is around the corner and we got in as we heard him coming down the last few stairs and went up. uncaught. they don't like it when you eat out of the scheduled times. sooo we savored our delights, and stashed our box of cereal for a later time. then we headed back down for the movie, with the company of blankets, because our hotel is freezing. as soon as i sat down i was like man, i want somethin to drink, and so i got up to get some and calle was like me too! so i got her some water and ran into roman. he was gonna make a hot drink and set the water heater on, which sounded better than water. i was like can you make me some too?! so roman made me a surprise, tea. he joined us at the movie and i got a cup of tea that i had never tried before, but it was good! i fell asleep during the movie and woke up as the ending scene faded into the credits. to my right, calle was passed out. bah...we had been wanting to watch this movie for liek two weeks but had never had the time and then we both sleep through it. and my tea was cold. but itw as still good. so we went up to the room, tlaked for a bit, and then went to sleep, setting no alarms, because we had nowhere to be in the morning! :) it was a day of rest.

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